Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2021072828 Jul, 21 | 2021072828 Jul, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -1,000 | 0.12 | 10,739,571 |
2021060909 Jun, 21 | 2021060707 Jun, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -2,000 | 0.17 | 10,740,571 |
2021060909 Jun, 21 | 2021060404 Jun, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -23,000 | 0.155 | 10,742,571 |
2021060404 Jun, 21 | 2021060202 Jun, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -14,000 | 0.155 | 10,765,571 |
2021053131 May, 21 | 2021052828 May, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -3,000 | 0.155 | 10,779,571 |
2021052626 May, 21 | 2021052525 May, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -26,000 | 0.15 | 10,782,571 |
2021051818 May, 21 | 2021051414 May, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 20,500 | 0.135 | 10,808,571 |
2021051010 May, 21 | 2021050707 May, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -31,000 | 0.135 | 10,788,071 |
2021051010 May, 21 | 2021050505 May, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -23,000 | 0.13 | 10,819,071 |
2021042929 Apr, 21 | 2021042727 Apr, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -25,000 | 0.125 | 10,842,071 |
2021042626 Apr, 21 | 2021042323 Apr, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -20,000 | 0.13 | 10,867,071 |
2021042626 Apr, 21 | 2021042222 Apr, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -8,000 | 0.13 | 10,887,071 |
2021041919 Apr, 21 | 2021041616 Apr, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -31,000 | 0.125 | 10,895,071 |
2021041616 Apr, 21 | 2021041515 Apr, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -25,000 | 0.125 | 10,926,071 |
2021040808 Apr, 21 | 2021040707 Apr, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -25,000 | 0.125 | 10,951,071 |
2021032929 Mar, 21 | 2021032626 Mar, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -24,000 | 0.12 | 10,976,071 |
2021032525 Mar, 21 | 2021032525 Mar, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -27,500 | 0.11 | 11,000,071 |
2021032525 Mar, 21 | 2021032323 Mar, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -30,000 | 0.115 | 11,027,571 |
2021030303 Mar, 21 | 2021030303 Mar, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 5,000 | 0.11 | 11,057,571 |
2021030303 Mar, 21 | 2021030202 Mar, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -28,000 | 0.115 | 11,052,571 |
2021030101 Mar, 21 | 2021030101 Mar, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -1,000 | 0.12 | 11,080,571 |
2021030101 Mar, 21 | 2021022626 Feb, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -18,500 | 0.12 | 11,081,571 |
2021022525 Feb, 21 | 2021022424 Feb, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -28,500 | 0.12 | 11,100,071 |
2021021919 Feb, 21 | 2021021818 Feb, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -23,000 | 0.125 | 11,128,571 |
2021021717 Feb, 21 | 2021021212 Feb, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -23,500 | 0.105 | 11,151,571 |
2021021212 Feb, 21 | 2021021010 Feb, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 54 - Exercise of warrants | 400,000 | 0.1 | 11,175,071 |
2021021212 Feb, 21 | 2021021010 Feb, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 54 - Exercise of warrants | -400,000 | 0.1 | 116,000 |
2021020909 Feb, 21 | 2021020808 Feb, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -1,000 | 0.105 | 10,775,071 |
2021020505 Feb, 21 | 2021020202 Feb, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -20,500 | 0.105 | 10,776,071 |
2021011313 Jan, 21 | 2021011212 Jan, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -98,429 | 0.1 | 10,796,571 |
2021011111 Jan, 21 | 2021010606 Jan, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -160,000 | 0.08 | 10,895,000 |
2021010606 Jan, 21 | 2021010505 Jan, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -160,000 | 0.075 | 11,055,000 |
2021010606 Jan, 21 | 2021010404 Jan, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -200,000 | 0.065 | 11,215,000 |
2021010606 Jan, 21 | 2021010404 Jan, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -18,000 | 0.07 | 11,415,000 |
2020123030 Dec, 20 | 2020122929 Dec, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 200,000 | 0.05 | 200,000 |
2020112525 Nov, 20 | 2020112525 Nov, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 50,000 | 0.035 | 11,433,000 |
2020112525 Nov, 20 | 2020112323 Nov, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 191,000 | 0.035 | 11,383,000 |
2020112424 Nov, 20 | 2020112323 Nov, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 153,000 | 0.035 | 11,192,000 |
2020110404 Nov, 20 | 2020110202 Nov, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 51 - Exercise of options | 200,000 | 0.05 | 11,039,000 |
2020110404 Nov, 20 | 2020110202 Nov, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 51 - Exercise of options | -200,000 | 0.05 | 0 |
2020110404 Nov, 20 | 2020103030 Oct, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 400,000 | 0.05 | 10,839,000 |
2020110404 Nov, 20 | 2020103030 Oct, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 400,000 | 0.1 | 516,000 |
2020092424 Sep, 20 | 2020092424 Sep, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 300,000 | 0 | 10,439,000 |
2020092424 Sep, 20 | 2020092323 Sep, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 89,000 | 0.045 | 10,139,000 |
2020092424 Sep, 20 | 2020092121 Sep, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 12,000 | 0.04 | 10,050,000 |
2020092424 Sep, 20 | 2020092121 Sep, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 38,000 | 0.045 | 10,038,000 |
2020070303 Jul, 20 | 2020063030 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 250,000 | 0.03 | 10,000,000 |
2020062525 Jun, 20 | 2020062424 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 250,000 | 0.035 | 9,796,000 |
2020062525 Jun, 20 | 2020062323 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 6,000 | 0.035 | 9,431,000 |
2020062525 Jun, 20 | 2020062424 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 174,000 | 0.035 | 9,750,000 |
2020062525 Jun, 20 | 2020062424 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -220,000 | 0.035 | 9,576,000 |
2020062424 Jun, 20 | 2020062424 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 115,000 | 0.03 | 9,546,000 |
2020062222 Jun, 20 | 2020062222 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 158,000 | 0.035 | 9,425,000 |
2020062222 Jun, 20 | 2020061919 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 57,000 | 0.035 | 9,267,000 |
2020061717 Jun, 20 | 2020061717 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.035 | 9,210,000 |
2020061515 Jun, 20 | 2020061515 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 80,000 | 0.035 | 9,110,000 |
2020061515 Jun, 20 | 2020061212 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 40,000 | 0.035 | 9,030,000 |
2020061212 Jun, 20 | 2020060909 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.04 | 8,990,000 |
2020060808 Jun, 20 | 2020060505 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | -988,000 | 0 | 8,890,000 |
2020060808 Jun, 20 | 2020060303 Jun, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 80,000 | 0.04 | 9,878,000 |
2020010707 Jan, 20 | 2020010606 Jan, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 200,000 | 0.03 | 9,798,000 |
2019100303 Oct, 19 | 2019093030 Sep, 19 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 97 - Other | 1,000,000 | 0.05 | 9,598,000 |
2019100303 Oct, 19 | 2019092727 Sep, 19 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 46 - Compensation for services | 1,000,000 | 0.05 | 0 |
2019081313 Aug, 19 | 2019080909 Aug, 19 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 51 - Exercise of options | -100,000 | 0.05 | 200,000 |
2019081313 Aug, 19 | 2019080909 Aug, 19 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 51 - Exercise of options | 100,000 | 0.05 | 8,598,000 |
2019070303 Jul, 19 | 2019062727 Jun, 19 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 200,000 | 0.05 | 300,000 |
2018093030 Sep, 18 | 2018093030 Sep, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 55 - Expiration of warrants | -200,000 | 0.15 | 116,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2018082929 Aug, 18 | 2018082828 Aug, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 100,000 | 0.05 | 100,000 |
2018082929 Aug, 18 | 2015112424 Nov, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2018072525 Jul, 18 | 2018072525 Jul, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 55 - Expiration of warrants | -500,000 | 0 | 316,000 |
2018052828 May, 18 | 2018052424 May, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 150,000 | 0.05 | 8,497,000 |
2018052828 May, 18 | 2018052525 May, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 1,000 | 0.05 | 8,498,000 |
2018052323 May, 18 | 2018051818 May, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 27,000 | 0.05 | 8,345,000 |
2018052323 May, 18 | 2018052222 May, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 2,000 | 0.05 | 8,347,000 |
2018051818 May, 18 | 2018051616 May, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 7,000 | 0.05 | 8,318,000 |
2018051616 May, 18 | 2018051414 May, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.05 | 8,311,000 |
2018042727 Apr, 18 | 2018042727 Apr, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 54 - Exercise of warrants | -384,000 | 0.075 | 816,000 |
2018042727 Apr, 18 | 2018042727 Apr, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 54 - Exercise of warrants | 384,000 | 0.075 | 8,211,000 |
2018032727 Mar, 18 | 2018032222 Mar, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.06 | 7,827,000 |
2018031919 Mar, 18 | 2018031616 Mar, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 54 - Exercise of warrants | -500,000 | 0.075 | 1,200,000 |
2018031919 Mar, 18 | 2018031616 Mar, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 54 - Exercise of warrants | 500,000 | 0.075 | 7,727,000 |
2018022727 Feb, 18 | 2018022222 Feb, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -165,000 | 0.075 | 7,227,000 |
2018022727 Feb, 18 | 2018022121 Feb, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.075 | 7,392,000 |
2018022020 Feb, 18 | 2018021515 Feb, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -70,000 | 0.07 | 7,402,000 |
2018021515 Feb, 18 | 2018021414 Feb, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 54 - Exercise of warrants | -860,000 | 0.075 | 1,700,000 |
2018021515 Feb, 18 | 2018021414 Feb, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 54 - Exercise of warrants | 860,000 | 0.075 | 7,472,000 |
2018021515 Feb, 18 | 2018021313 Feb, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -200,000 | 0.085 | 6,612,000 |
2017121515 Dec, 17 | 2017121212 Dec, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 0.04 | 6,793,000 |
2017121515 Dec, 17 | 2017121414 Dec, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 17,000 | 0.04 | 6,812,000 |
2017121515 Dec, 17 | 2017121313 Dec, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 2,000 | 0.04 | 6,795,000 |
2017121212 Dec, 17 | 2017120808 Dec, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 5,000 | 0.04 | 6,777,000 |
2017121212 Dec, 17 | 2017121111 Dec, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 0.04 | 6,785,000 |
2017120808 Dec, 17 | 2017120505 Dec, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 2,000 | 0.04 | 6,745,000 |
2017120808 Dec, 17 | 2017120606 Dec, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 19,000 | 0.04 | 6,764,000 |
2017120808 Dec, 17 | 2017120707 Dec, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 0.04 | 6,772,000 |
2017120101 Dec, 17 | 2017113030 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 75,000 | 0.04 | 6,743,000 |
2017113030 Nov, 17 | 2017112828 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 16,000 | 0.04 | 6,668,000 |
2017112929 Nov, 17 | 2017112828 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 17,000 | 0.04 | 6,652,000 |
2017112727 Nov, 17 | 2017112222 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 500,000 | 0.075 | 2,560,000 |
2017112727 Nov, 17 | 2017112222 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 1,000,000 | 0.05 | 6,635,000 |
2017112323 Nov, 17 | 2017112222 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 84,000 | 0.04 | 5,635,000 |
2017112020 Nov, 17 | 2017112020 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 25,000 | 0.04 | 5,551,000 |
2017112020 Nov, 17 | 2017111616 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 17,000 | 0.04 | 5,526,000 |
2017112020 Nov, 17 | 2017111616 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -17,000 | 0.04 | 0 |
2017112020 Nov, 17 | 2017111515 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.04 | 5,509,000 |
2017112020 Nov, 17 | 2017111515 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -100,000 | 0.04 | 0 |
2017111515 Nov, 17 | 2017111313 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 38,000 | 0.04 | 5,341,000 |
2017111515 Nov, 17 | 2017111414 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 68,000 | 0.04 | 5,409,000 |
2017110707 Nov, 17 | 2017110707 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 109,000 | 0.045 | 5,303,000 |
2017110707 Nov, 17 | 2017110606 Nov, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 3,000 | 0.04 | 5,194,000 |
2017110505 Nov, 17 | 2017103131 Oct, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 91,000 | 0.04 | 5,191,000 |
2017102626 Oct, 17 | 2017102525 Oct, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 1,000,000 | 0.05 | 5,100,000 |
2017102626 Oct, 17 | 2017102525 Oct, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 500,000 | 0.075 | 2,060,000 |
2017101717 Oct, 17 | 2017101313 Oct, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 180,000 | 0.045 | 4,100,000 |
2017101717 Oct, 17 | 2017101313 Oct, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 1,720,000 | 0.05 | 3,920,000 |
2017101717 Oct, 17 | 2017101313 Oct, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 860,000 | 0.075 | 1,560,000 |
2016100505 Oct, 16 | 2016093030 Sep, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 200,000 | 0.09 | 2,200,000 |
2016100505 Oct, 16 | 2016093030 Sep, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 200,000 | 0.15 | 700,000 |
2016072626 Jul, 16 | 2016072525 Jul, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 500,000 | 0.15 | 500,000 |
2016072626 Jul, 16 | 2016072525 Jul, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 500,000 | 0.09 | 2,000,000 |
2016072626 Jul, 16 | 2015112424 Nov, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants Issued in Private Placements (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2016051111 May, 16 | 2016050909 May, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 37 - Stock split or consolidation | -9,000,000 | 0 | 1,500,000 |
2016050404 May, 16 | 2016050404 May, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 480,000 | 0.015 | 10,500,000 |
2016050404 May, 16 | 2016050303 May, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 20,000 | 0.015 | 10,020,000 |
2015120101 Dec, 15 | 2015112424 Nov, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Unlimited, No Par Value | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 10,000,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2013011818 Jan, 13 | 2013011717 Jan, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 7,000 | 0.06 | 1,726,857 |
2013011717 Jan, 13 | 2013011515 Jan, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 23,000 | 0.06 | 1,719,857 |
2013011717 Jan, 13 | 2013011414 Jan, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 37,000 | 0.06 | 1,696,857 |
2013011010 Jan, 13 | 2013010808 Jan, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 61,000 | 0.07 | 1,659,857 |
2012122828 Dec, 12 | 2012122424 Dec, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 3,000 | 0.06 | 1,598,857 |
2012122121 Dec, 12 | 2012122020 Dec, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 7,000 | 0.06 | 1,595,857 |
2012122121 Dec, 12 | 2012121919 Dec, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 0.06 | 1,588,857 |
2012121313 Dec, 12 | 2012121212 Dec, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 18,000 | 0.05 | 1,580,857 |
2012120909 Dec, 12 | 2012120707 Dec, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 3,000 | 0.05 | 1,562,857 |
2012111919 Nov, 12 | 2012111515 Nov, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 200,000 | 0.05 | 1,559,857 |
2012110909 Nov, 12 | 2012110808 Nov, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 3,000 | 0.05 | 1,359,857 |
2012102929 Oct, 12 | 2012102626 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 0.05 | 1,356,857 |
2012101717 Oct, 12 | 2012101616 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 27,000 | 0.05 | 1,348,857 |
2012101717 Oct, 12 | 2012101515 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 3,000 | 0.05 | 1,321,857 |
2012101515 Oct, 12 | 2012101212 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 18,000 | 0.05 | 1,318,857 |
2012101515 Oct, 12 | 2012101111 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 70,000 | 0.055 | 1,300,857 |
2012101515 Oct, 12 | 2012101010 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 22,000 | 0.055 | 1,230,857 |
2012100303 Oct, 12 | 2012100202 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 0.05 | 0 |
2012100303 Oct, 12 | 2012092828 Sep, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 0.05 | 1,208,857 |
2012092424 Sep, 12 | 2012092020 Sep, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 15,000 | 0.05 | 1,200,857 |
2012092424 Sep, 12 | 2012091919 Sep, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 45,000 | 0.05 | 1,185,857 |
2012091717 Sep, 12 | 2012091414 Sep, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 1,049,857 |
2012091717 Sep, 12 | 2012091414 Sep, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 91,000 | 0.05 | 1,140,857 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2011052929 May, 11 | 2011052727 May, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 2,021,500 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2014061212 Jun, 14 | 2014060909 Jun, 14 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 37 - Stock split or consolidation | -588,000 | 0 | 65,333 |
2014061212 Jun, 14 | 2014060909 Jun, 14 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 37 - Stock split or consolidation | -270,000 | 0 | 30,000 |
2014061212 Jun, 14 | 2014061010 Jun, 14 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 46 - Compensation for services | 272,786 | 0.07 | 1,025,084 |
2014061212 Jun, 14 | 2014060909 Jun, 14 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 37 - Stock split or consolidation | -6,770,700 | 0 | 752,298 |
2013092727 Sep, 13 | 2013092323 Sep, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption | 2,000,000 | 0.005 | 7,522,998 |
2013091919 Sep, 13 | 2013091919 Sep, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 681,000 | 0.005 | 5,522,998 |
2013091919 Sep, 13 | 2013091818 Sep, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 3,000 | 0.005 | 4,841,998 |
2013091313 Sep, 13 | 2013091212 Sep, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 15,000 | 0.005 | 4,838,998 |
2013091313 Sep, 13 | 2013090404 Sep, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 20,000 | 0.005 | 4,813,998 |
2013091313 Sep, 13 | 2013090505 Sep, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 10,000 | 0.005 | 4,823,998 |
2013082828 Aug, 13 | 2013082727 Aug, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 45,000 | 0.5 | 4,793,998 |
2013082626 Aug, 13 | 2013082323 Aug, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 10,000 | 0.005 | 4,748,998 |
2013082626 Aug, 13 | 2013082222 Aug, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 30,000 | 0.005 | 4,738,998 |
2013072929 Jul, 13 | 2013072424 Jul, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 18,000 | 0.005 | 4,708,998 |
2013072323 Jul, 13 | 2013072222 Jul, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 5,000 | 0.005 | 4,690,998 |
2013071919 Jul, 13 | 2013071818 Jul, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.005 | 4,685,998 |
2013071919 Jul, 13 | 2013071717 Jul, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 25,000 | 0.005 | 4,585,998 |
2013071212 Jul, 13 | 2013071111 Jul, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 28,000 | 0.05 | 4,560,998 |
2013061313 Jun, 13 | 2013061212 Jun, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 147,000 | 0.01 | 4,532,998 |
2013061212 Jun, 13 | 2013061010 Jun, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 86,000 | 0.01 | 4,385,998 |
2013040404 Apr, 13 | 2013040303 Apr, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 17,000 | 0.015 | 4,299,998 |
2013011717 Jan, 13 | 2013011111 Jan, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 103,000 | 0.03 | 4,282,998 |
2013011111 Jan, 13 | 2013010909 Jan, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 30,000 | 0.03 | 4,179,998 |
2013010808 Jan, 13 | 2013010707 Jan, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 50,000 | 0.03 | 4,149,998 |
2013010404 Jan, 13 | 2012123131 Dec, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 67,000 | 0.03 | 4,099,998 |
2012122828 Dec, 12 | 2012122020 Dec, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.03 | 4,032,998 |
2012121111 Dec, 12 | 2012121111 Dec, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 12,000 | 0.03 | 3,932,998 |
2012121010 Dec, 12 | 2012120505 Dec, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 1,000 | 0.03 | 3,920,998 |
2012111313 Nov, 12 | 2012111212 Nov, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 54,000 | 3.5 | 3,919,998 |
2012110202 Nov, 12 | 2012103131 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption | 1,000,000 | 0.05 | 3,865,998 |
2012110202 Nov, 12 | 2012103131 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption | 500,000 | 0.1 | 653,333 |
2012102929 Oct, 12 | 2012101616 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 64,000 | 0.035 | 2,865,998 |
2012102929 Oct, 12 | 2012101212 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 9,000 | 0.035 | 2,801,998 |
2012102929 Oct, 12 | 2012101212 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 64,000 | 0.035 | 2,792,998 |
2012101515 Oct, 12 | 2012101212 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 9,000 | 0.035 | 2,728,998 |
2011032727 Mar, 11 | 2010123030 Dec, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2011032727 Mar, 11 | 2011021818 Feb, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 300,000 | 0 | 300,000 |
2011011717 Jan, 11 | 2010123030 Dec, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 153,333 |
2011010404 Jan, 11 | 2010123030 Dec, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2011010404 Jan, 11 | 2010123030 Dec, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 97 - Other | 2,719,998 | 0 | 2,719,998 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2017071212 Jul, 17 | 2017071010 Jul, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 200,000 | 0.055 | 700,000 |
2016021717 Feb, 16 | 2016020202 Feb, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -129,266 | 0 | 0 |
2016021717 Feb, 16 | 2016021717 Feb, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 120,200 | 0 | 120,200 |
2011020707 Feb, 11 | 2010110909 Nov, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2011020707 Feb, 11 | 2011020202 Feb, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 129,266 | 0 | 129,266 |
2010111212 Nov, 10 | 2010110909 Nov, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 500,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2021071414 Jul, 21 | 2021071212 Jul, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -2,000 | 0.13 | 5,380,000 |
2018031919 Mar, 18 | 2018031414 Mar, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -100,000 | 0.27 | 5,382,000 |
2018031515 Mar, 18 | 2018031414 Mar, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -50,000 | 0.285 | 5,482,000 |
2018011616 Jan, 18 | 2017051010 May, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 57 - Exercise of rights | 360,000 | 0.32 | 5,992,000 |
2017100606 Oct, 17 | 2017100404 Oct, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -360,000 | 0.3 | 5,532,000 |
2017083030 Aug, 17 | 2017081010 Aug, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -55,000 | 0.32 | 5,927,000 |
2017082828 Aug, 17 | 2017082323 Aug, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -7,500 | 0.34 | 5,892,000 |
2017082323 Aug, 17 | 2017082222 Aug, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -4,000 | 0.34 | 5,899,500 |
2017082121 Aug, 17 | 2017081818 Aug, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -4,500 | 0.34 | 5,903,500 |
2017082121 Aug, 17 | 2017081616 Aug, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -19,000 | 0.34 | 5,908,000 |
2017081414 Aug, 17 | 2017081010 Aug, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -35,000 | 0.32 | 0 |
2017080909 Aug, 17 | 2017080404 Aug, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.32 | 5,982,000 |
2017010505 Jan, 17 | 2016121616 Dec, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 800,000 | 0.32 | 5,631,000 |
2016122020 Dec, 16 | 2016121616 Dec, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 308,203 | 0.32 | 0 |
2016121919 Dec, 16 | 2016121515 Dec, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 16,000 | 0.29 | 4,831,000 |
2016121919 Dec, 16 | 2016121616 Dec, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 1,108,203 | 0.32 | 0 |
2016121919 Dec, 16 | 2016121616 Dec, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 1,000 | 0.29 | 5,632,000 |
2016121616 Dec, 16 | 2016121616 Dec, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 308,203 | 0.32 | 0 |
2016121515 Dec, 16 | 2016121313 Dec, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 5,000 | 0.29 | 4,815,000 |
2016121515 Dec, 16 | 2016121313 Dec, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -38,000 | 0.29 | 4,810,000 |
2016080202 Aug, 16 | 2016080202 Aug, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -17,000 | 0.425 | 4,848,000 |
2016060101 Jun, 16 | 2016053131 May, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 48,500 | 0.215 | 4,865,000 |
2016060101 Jun, 16 | 2016053131 May, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 66,000 | 0.225 | 4,816,500 |
2016051111 May, 16 | 2016051111 May, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 300,000 | 0.28 | 300,000 |
2016042222 Apr, 16 | 2016042121 Apr, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 34,000 | 0.155 | 4,750,500 |
2016042121 Apr, 16 | 2016042020 Apr, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 40,000 | 0.155 | 4,716,500 |
2016010101 Jan, 16 | 2015122929 Dec, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 10,000 | 0.045 | 4,676,500 |
2015122323 Dec, 15 | 2015122222 Dec, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.055 | 4,666,500 |
2015082424 Aug, 15 | 2015082121 Aug, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -60,000 | 0.13 | 4,566,500 |
2015082020 Aug, 15 | 2015082020 Aug, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -80,000 | 0.1 | 4,626,500 |
2015032424 Mar, 15 | 2015032323 Mar, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 20,000 | 0.045 | 0 |
2015032424 Mar, 15 | 2015032323 Mar, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 200,000 | 0.045 | 4,706,500 |
2015021919 Feb, 15 | 2015021818 Feb, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.05 | 4,406,500 |
2015021919 Feb, 15 | 2015021919 Feb, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.05 | 4,506,500 |
2014102929 Oct, 14 | 2014102121 Oct, 14 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,500 | 0.12 | 4,306,500 |
2014102929 Oct, 14 | 2004102020 Oct, 04 | Direct Ownership : | Common shares, options, warrants (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2014092121 Sep, 14 | 2014092121 Sep, 14 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -175,000 | 0 | 0 |
2014080404 Aug, 14 | 2014072424 Jul, 14 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 50,000 | 0.105 | 4,312,000 |
2013110606 Nov, 13 | 2013110505 Nov, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -40,000 | 0.11 | 4,262,000 |
2013110202 Nov, 13 | 2013103030 Oct, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -66,000 | 0.11 | 4,302,000 |
2013102828 Oct, 13 | 2013102525 Oct, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -1,500 | 0.12 | 4,368,000 |
2013102323 Oct, 13 | 2013102121 Oct, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -34,000 | 0.105 | 4,369,500 |
2013102121 Oct, 13 | 2013101818 Oct, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -29,000 | 0.11 | 4,403,500 |
2013101717 Oct, 13 | 2013101717 Oct, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -80,000 | 0.105 | 4,432,500 |
2013101717 Oct, 13 | 2013101717 Oct, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -25,000 | 0.11 | 4,512,500 |
2013090303 Sep, 13 | 2012092121 Sep, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 175,000 | 0.8 | 525,000 |
2013090303 Sep, 13 | 2013090303 Sep, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -250,000 | 1.5 | 175,000 |
2013090303 Sep, 13 | 2012092121 Sep, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 275,000 | 0.8 | 0 |
2013071919 Jul, 13 | 2013071919 Jul, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -275,000 | 1.5 | 425,000 |
2013050606 May, 13 | 2013013030 Jan, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 51 - Exercise of options | 100,000 | 0.8 | 4,537,500 |
2013050606 May, 13 | 2013013030 Jan, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 51 - Exercise of options | -100,000 | 0.8 | 700,000 |
2012092727 Sep, 12 | 2012092626 Sep, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 275,000 | 0.8 | 800,000 |
2012091010 Sep, 12 | 2012091010 Sep, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 100,000 | 0.75 | 4,437,500 |
2011082222 Aug, 11 | 2011081919 Aug, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 51 - Exercise of options | -150,000 | 0.8 | 350,000 |
2011082222 Aug, 11 | 2011081919 Aug, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 51 - Exercise of options | 150,000 | 0.1 | 4,337,500 |
2010101919 Oct, 10 | 2010101212 Oct, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -6,500 | 0.96 | 4,187,500 |
2010060808 Jun, 10 | 2010060404 Jun, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 51 - Exercise of options | -200,000 | 0.32 | 500,000 |
2010060808 Jun, 10 | 2010060404 Jun, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 51 - Exercise of options | 200,000 | 0.32 | 4,194,000 |
2009110303 Nov, 09 | 2009102727 Oct, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -1,000 | 1.06 | 3,994,000 |
2009102727 Oct, 09 | 2009102323 Oct, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -3,500 | 1.08 | 3,995,000 |
2009102727 Oct, 09 | 2009102626 Oct, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -3,500 | 1.08 | 0 |
2009101515 Oct, 09 | 2009101414 Oct, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -19,000 | 0.86 | 3,998,500 |
2009082727 Aug, 09 | 2009082121 Aug, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 150,000 | 0.8 | 700,000 |
2009081414 Aug, 09 | 2009080606 Aug, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -500 | 0.86 | 4,071,500 |
2009081414 Aug, 09 | 2009080606 Aug, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,500 | 0.85 | 4,072,000 |
2009081414 Aug, 09 | 2009080707 Aug, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.84 | 4,061,500 |
2009081414 Aug, 09 | 2009080707 Aug, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.87 | 4,051,500 |
2009081414 Aug, 09 | 2009080707 Aug, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -30,000 | 0.88 | 4,021,500 |
2009081414 Aug, 09 | 2009081010 Aug, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -3,000 | 0.87 | 4,018,500 |
2009081414 Aug, 09 | 2009081111 Aug, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -1,000 | 0.86 | 4,017,500 |
2009080404 Aug, 09 | 2009073131 Jul, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -9,500 | 0.85 | 4,078,000 |
2009080404 Aug, 09 | 2009073131 Jul, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -500 | 0.86 | 4,077,500 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2008102929 Oct, 08 | 2008102323 Oct, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 15,000 | 0.6 | 4,087,500 |
2008102929 Oct, 08 | 2008102323 Oct, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 2,000 | 0.6 | 4,072,500 |
2008102727 Oct, 08 | 2008102020 Oct, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 12,000 | 0.68 | 3,820,500 |
2008102727 Oct, 08 | 2008102020 Oct, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 13,000 | 0.66 | 3,808,500 |
2008102727 Oct, 08 | 2008102020 Oct, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 14,000 | 0.65 | 3,795,500 |
2008102424 Oct, 08 | 2008102020 Oct, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 1,500 | 0.64 | 3,781,500 |
2008102424 Oct, 08 | 2008101717 Oct, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 4,000 | 0.66 | 3,780,000 |
2008102323 Oct, 08 | 2008102222 Oct, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 250,000 | 0.8 | 4,070,500 |
2008100101 Oct, 08 | 2008092929 Sep, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 2,500 | 0.8 | 3,776,000 |
2008092626 Sep, 08 | 2008092424 Sep, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 3,500 | 0.94 | 3,773,500 |
2008091717 Sep, 08 | 2008091616 Sep, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 4,000 | 0.99 | 0 |
2008091717 Sep, 08 | 2008091717 Sep, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 1,500 | 0.93 | 3,770,000 |
2008091717 Sep, 08 | 2008091717 Sep, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 2,000 | 0.99 | 3,768,500 |
2008091717 Sep, 08 | 2008091616 Sep, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 1,500 | 0.93 | 0 |
2008091515 Sep, 08 | 2008091515 Sep, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 5,000 | 1 | 3,766,500 |
2007110101 Nov, 07 | 2007110101 Nov, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 175,000 | 1.25 | 550,000 |
2007102424 Oct, 07 | 2007101818 Oct, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 16,000 | 0.82 | 3,761,500 |
2007101212 Oct, 07 | 2007101212 Oct, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 175,000 | 1.25 | 375,000 |
2007081717 Aug, 07 | 2007081616 Aug, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 12,000 | 0.6 | 3,745,500 |
2007071717 Jul, 07 | 2007071111 Jul, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 200 | 1.06 | 3,733,500 |
2007071717 Jul, 07 | 2007071010 Jul, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 1,800 | 1.06 | 3,733,300 |
2007070202 Jul, 07 | 2007062727 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 1.06 | 3,731,500 |
2007070202 Jul, 07 | 2007062626 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 11,000 | 1.1 | 3,723,500 |
2007070202 Jul, 07 | 2007062525 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 29,700 | 1.25 | 3,712,500 |
2007062020 Jun, 07 | 2007061919 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 7,100 | 1.25 | 3,682,800 |
2007062020 Jun, 07 | 2007061818 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 16,500 | 1.25 | 3,675,700 |
2007061818 Jun, 07 | 2007061818 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | -125,000 | 0 | 3,659,200 |
2007061515 Jun, 07 | 2007061515 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 22,200 | 1.25 | 3,784,200 |
2007061515 Jun, 07 | 2007061414 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,500 | 1.25 | 3,762,000 |
2007061515 Jun, 07 | 2007061313 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 12,000 | 1.25 | 3,753,500 |
2007061515 Jun, 07 | 2007061212 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 500 | 1.25 | 3,741,500 |
2007060707 Jun, 07 | 2007060505 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 17,000 | 1.25 | 3,741,000 |
2007060707 Jun, 07 | 2007060404 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 1.25 | 3,724,000 |
2006102626 Oct, 06 | 2006102525 Oct, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 54 - Exercise of warrants | 500,000 | 0.4 | 3,716,000 |
2006102626 Oct, 06 | 2006102525 Oct, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 54 - Exercise of warrants | -500,000 | 0.4 | 0 |
2006100202 Oct, 06 | 2006100202 Oct, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -350,000 | 0.42 | 3,216,000 |
2006092929 Sep, 06 | 2006092828 Sep, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 54 - Exercise of warrants | 100,000 | 0.2 | 3,566,000 |
2006092929 Sep, 06 | 2006092828 Sep, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 51 - Exercise of options | -100,000 | 0 | 500,000 |
2006033131 Mar, 06 | 2006033030 Mar, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -100,000 | 0.335 | 3,466,000 |
2006022222 Feb, 06 | 2006022222 Feb, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 48,000 | 0.3 | 3,566,000 |
2006022222 Feb, 06 | 2006022020 Feb, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 0.3 | 3,518,000 |
2006021212 Feb, 06 | 2006020707 Feb, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -6,500 | 0.365 | 3,510,000 |
2006021212 Feb, 06 | 2006020606 Feb, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -2,500 | 0.365 | 3,516,500 |
2006021212 Feb, 06 | 2004102020 Oct, 04 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 200,000 |
2006020101 Feb, 06 | 2005071111 Jul, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 54 - Exercise of warrants | 100,000 | 0.2 | 1,947,500 |
2006020101 Feb, 06 | 2005013131 Jan, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.35 | 0 |
2006020101 Feb, 06 | 2006020101 Feb, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.35 | 3,519,000 |
2006020101 Feb, 06 | 2006013131 Jan, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.35 | 3,529,000 |
2006012828 Jan, 06 | 2006012525 Jan, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -9,000 | 0.35 | 3,539,000 |
2006012323 Jan, 06 | 2006011717 Jan, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -8,500 | 0.33 | 3,548,000 |
2006011212 Jan, 06 | 2006010909 Jan, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 8,000 | 0.25 | 3,556,500 |
2006010404 Jan, 06 | 2005123030 Dec, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 10,000 | 0.25 | 3,548,500 |
2005121616 Dec, 05 | 2005121515 Dec, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 20,000 | 0.25 | 3,538,500 |
2005121616 Dec, 05 | 2005121313 Dec, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 20,000 | 0.25 | 3,518,500 |
2005120606 Dec, 05 | 2005120606 Dec, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 7,500 | 0.25 | 3,498,500 |
2005120606 Dec, 05 | 2005120505 Dec, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 3,500 | 0.25 | 3,491,000 |
2005113030 Nov, 05 | 2005112424 Nov, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 46 - Compensation for services | 250,000 | 0.1 | 3,487,500 |
2005112727 Nov, 05 | 2005112424 Nov, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 51 - Exercise of options | 125,000 | 0.15 | 3,237,500 |
2005112727 Nov, 05 | 2005112424 Nov, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 15 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus | 1,000,000 | 0.25 | 3,112,500 |
2005112727 Nov, 05 | 2005112424 Nov, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 53 - Grant of warrants | 500,000 | 0 | 600,000 |
2005112626 Nov, 05 | 2005112222 Nov, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 20,000 | 0.25 | 2,112,500 |
2005111515 Nov, 05 | 2005111414 Nov, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 1,500 | 0.25 | 2,092,500 |
2005111212 Nov, 05 | 2005111010 Nov, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 2,000 | 0.25 | 2,081,000 |
2005111212 Nov, 05 | 2005111111 Nov, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 10,000 | 0.25 | 2,091,000 |
2005110707 Nov, 05 | 2005110404 Nov, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 500 | 0.25 | 2,079,000 |
2005102828 Oct, 05 | 2005102727 Oct, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -6,500 | 0.32 | 2,078,500 |
2005092323 Sep, 05 | 2005092020 Sep, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 14,500 | 0.22 | 2,085,000 |
2005090505 Sep, 05 | 2005083030 Aug, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 5,000 | 0.245 | 2,070,500 |
2005082222 Aug, 05 | 2005081010 Aug, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 100,000 | 0.3 | 100,000 |
2005082222 Aug, 05 | 2004102020 Oct, 04 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2005082222 Aug, 05 | 2004081010 Aug, 04 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 100,000 | 0.3 | 0 |
2005082020 Aug, 05 | 2004102020 Oct, 04 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2005082020 Aug, 05 | 2004102020 Oct, 04 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2005081818 Aug, 05 | 2005081010 Aug, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 100,000 | 0.2 | 2,047,500 |
2005081818 Aug, 05 | 2005081616 Aug, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 18,000 | 0.21 | 2,065,500 |
2005071414 Jul, 05 | 2005071111 Jul, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 4,500 | 0.21 | 1,847,500 |
2005062323 Jun, 05 | 2005062121 Jun, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 2,000 | 0.21 | 1,843,000 |
2005061717 Jun, 05 | 2005061414 Jun, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 5,000 | 0.21 | 1,841,000 |
2005060808 Jun, 05 | 2005060101 Jun, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 3,000 | 0.21 | 1,836,000 |
2005040606 Apr, 05 | 2005032424 Mar, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 12,500 | 0.27 | 1,833,000 |
2005030909 Mar, 05 | 2005022323 Feb, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -24,000 | 0.31 | 1,828,500 |
2005030909 Mar, 05 | 2005022323 Feb, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -8,000 | 0.32 | 1,820,500 |
2005030909 Mar, 05 | 2004102020 Oct, 04 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 1,852,500 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
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(This site is formed from a merger of Mining Nerds and Highgrade Review.)