Insider: Raymond Ellison Irwin

Issuer Name: THEMAC Resources Group Limited
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolumeUnit costClosing Balance
2013052727 May, 13 2012010303 Jan, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2013052727 May, 13 2012011111 Jan, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 300,000 0.65 300,000
2013052727 May, 13 2012082424 Aug, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 75,000 0.58 375,000
2013052727 May, 13 2013021818 Feb, 13 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 165,789 0.38 540,789
Filing Date Transaction Date VolumeUnit costClosing Balance
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries