Insider: Owen Alexander Bavinton

Issuer Name: Horizonte Minerals PLC
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolumeUnit costClosing Balance
2018060707 Jun, 18 2018060202 Jun, 18 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 3,500,000 0 13,000,000
2017033131 Mar, 17 2017033030 Mar, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 4,500,000 0 9,500,000
2016090101 Sep, 16 2016090101 Sep, 16 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 1,500,000 0 5,000,000
2015092929 Sep, 15 2012011717 Jan, 12 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2015092929 Sep, 15 2015092828 Sep, 15 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,000,000 0.01 2,000,000
2015062525 Jun, 15 2014050909 May, 14 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 1,000,000 0.0725 2,500,000
2015061111 Jun, 15 2015061010 Jun, 15 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 1,000,000 0.04 3,500,000
2015061010 Jun, 15 2015061010 Jun, 15 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 1,000,000 0.04 0
2012092525 Sep, 12 2012092424 Sep, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 1,500,000 15.4 0
2012092525 Sep, 12 2012092424 Sep, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 1,500,000 0.154 1,500,000
Filing Date Transaction Date VolumeUnit costClosing Balance
Showing 1 to 10 of 11 entries