Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2005112828 Nov, 05 | 2005112525 Nov, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,000 | 0.84 | 1,246,000 |
2005112828 Nov, 05 | 2005112424 Nov, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.8 | 1,251,000 |
2005112828 Nov, 05 | 2005112222 Nov, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,000 | 0.82 | 1,261,000 |
2005112828 Nov, 05 | 2005112121 Nov, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,000 | 0.81 | 1,266,000 |
2005112222 Nov, 05 | 2005111818 Nov, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,000 | 0.9 | 1,271,000 |
2005112222 Nov, 05 | 2005111818 Nov, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,000 | 0.9 | 1,276,000 |
2005112222 Nov, 05 | 2005111717 Nov, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,000 | 0.82 | 1,281,000 |
2005112222 Nov, 05 | 2005111616 Nov, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,000 | 0.77 | 1,286,000 |
2005112222 Nov, 05 | 2005111515 Nov, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.78 | 1,291,000 |
2005111010 Nov, 05 | 2005110909 Nov, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,000 | 0.825 | 1,301,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2005033131 Mar, 05 | 2005033030 Mar, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -20,000 | 0.065 | 1,690,000 |
2005033131 Mar, 05 | 2005033030 Mar, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -50,000 | 0.06 | 1,710,000 |
2005033131 Mar, 05 | 2005033030 Mar, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -50,000 | 0.06 | 1,760,000 |
2005033030 Mar, 05 | 2005032929 Mar, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -20,000 | 0.065 | 1,810,000 |
2005033030 Mar, 05 | 2005032929 Mar, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -20,000 | 0.065 | 1,830,000 |
2005033030 Mar, 05 | 2005032828 Mar, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -20,000 | 0.065 | 1,850,000 |
2005033030 Mar, 05 | 2005032222 Mar, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -130,000 | 0.065 | 1,870,000 |
2005012020 Jan, 05 | 2005011717 Jan, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -50,000 | 0.122 | 2,075,000 |
2005012020 Jan, 05 | 2005011717 Jan, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -25,000 | 0.12 | 2,000,000 |
2005012020 Jan, 05 | 2005011717 Jan, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -50,000 | 0.12 | 2,025,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2008020808 Feb, 08 | 2008013030 Jan, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 97 - Other | -60,000 | 0 | 1,000 |
2008012121 Jan, 08 | 2004041414 Apr, 04 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2008012121 Jan, 08 | 2008011515 Jan, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 30,292 | 0.1 | 130,292 |
2007102929 Oct, 07 | 2007102424 Oct, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 14,000 | 0.76 | 15,000 |
2007102929 Oct, 07 | 2007102424 Oct, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 11,000 | 0.76 | 26,000 |
2007102929 Oct, 07 | 2007102525 Oct, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 10,000 | 0.77 | 36,000 |
2007102929 Oct, 07 | 2007102626 Oct, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 25,000 | 0.82 | 61,000 |
2007061212 Jun, 07 | 2007060404 Jun, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 100,000 | 0 | 100,000 |
2007061212 Jun, 07 | 2006030303 Mar, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2007061212 Jun, 07 | 2006030303 Mar, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2009060404 Jun, 09 | 2009060404 Jun, 09 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Warrants (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 500,000 | 0.15 | 2,850,000 |
2009060404 Jun, 09 | 2009060404 Jun, 09 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 1,000,000 | 0.11 | 5,731,000 |
2009021313 Feb, 09 | 2009021313 Feb, 09 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Warrants (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 1,350,000 | 0 | 2,350,000 |
2009021313 Feb, 09 | 2009021313 Feb, 09 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 2,700,000 | 0.05 | 4,731,000 |
2009021313 Feb, 09 | 2009021313 Feb, 09 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -2,700,000 | 0.05 | 2,031,000 |
2008121111 Dec, 08 | 2008121111 Dec, 08 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Warrants (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 1,000,000 | 0.05 | 1,000,000 |
2008121111 Dec, 08 | 2008121111 Dec, 08 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Warrants (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2008121111 Dec, 08 | 2008121111 Dec, 08 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 2,000,000 | 0.05 | 4,731,000 |
2008121111 Dec, 08 | 2008121111 Dec, 08 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 2,731,000 |
2006052525 May, 06 | 2004012626 Jan, 04 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Warrants (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2005021111 Feb, 05 | 2005021010 Feb, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.4 | 1,410,000 |
2005021111 Feb, 05 | 2005021010 Feb, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.385 | 1,420,000 |
2005021111 Feb, 05 | 2005020909 Feb, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.37 | 1,430,000 |
2005020909 Feb, 05 | 2005020909 Feb, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.32 | 1,440,000 |
2005020707 Feb, 05 | 2005020404 Feb, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.285 | 1,450,000 |
2005020707 Feb, 05 | 2005020404 Feb, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,000 | 0.345 | 1,460,000 |
2005020707 Feb, 05 | 2005020303 Feb, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.27 | 1,465,000 |
2005020303 Feb, 05 | 2005020202 Feb, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.265 | 1,475,000 |
2005020202 Feb, 05 | 2005020101 Feb, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.285 | 1,485,000 |
2005020101 Feb, 05 | 2005013131 Jan, 05 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -10,000 | 0.27 | 1,495,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2003110505 Nov, 03 | 2003110505 Nov, 03 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 853,926 |
2003110505 Nov, 03 | 2003110505 Nov, 03 | Indirect Ownership : Canmark Trading Company | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 632,500 |
2003110505 Nov, 03 | 2003110505 Nov, 03 | Indirect Ownership : Christopher Marcus | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 5,900 |
2003110505 Nov, 03 | 2003110505 Nov, 03 | Indirect Ownership : Will's Wei Corporation | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 50,000 |
2003110505 Nov, 03 | 2003110505 Nov, 03 | Indirect Ownership : William Marcus | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 7,750 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
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(This site is formed from a merger of Mining Nerds and Highgrade Review.)