Insider: Joel Miguel Tarrida

Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2014110303 Nov, 14 2014102929 Oct, 14 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 50 - Grant of options 100,000 0.1 170,000
2013072323 Jul, 13 2013070909 Jul, 13 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 37 - Stock split or consolidation -280,000 0.1 220,000
2013072323 Jul, 13 2013072323 Jul, 13 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 52 - Expiration of options -150,000 0 70,000
2012121313 Dec, 12 2012090202 Sep, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 52 - Expiration of options -200,000 0.1 300,000
2012121313 Dec, 12 2012121212 Dec, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 50 - Grant of options 200,000 0.1 500,000
2012071212 Jul, 12 2012071010 Jul, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 50 - Grant of options 150,000 0.1 500,000
2010091010 Sep, 10 2010090202 Sep, 10 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 50 - Grant of options 200,000 0.1 350,000
2010081717 Aug, 10 2009121212 Dec, 09 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 52 - Expiration of options -250,000 0.12 300,000
2010081717 Aug, 10 2010070404 Jul, 10 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 52 - Expiration of options -150,000 0.12 150,000
2009091818 Sep, 09 2009091111 Sep, 09 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 50 - Grant of options 150,000 0.12 550,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2008071010 Jul, 08 2008070404 Jul, 08 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 50 - Grant of options 150,000 0.12 400,000
2007122121 Dec, 07 2007121010 Dec, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2007122121 Dec, 07 2007121313 Dec, 07 Direct Ownership : Options (Options) 50 - Grant of options 250,000 0.23 250,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance