Insider: Harminder Burmi

Issuer Name: Laurion Mineral Exploration Inc.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolumeUnit costClosing Balance
2021051818 May, 21 2021051717 May, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately -1,000,000 0.14 9,000,000
2021051818 May, 21 2021051717 May, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately -1,500,000 0.14 7,500,000
2021051818 May, 21 2021051717 May, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately -1,250,000 0.14 6,250,000
2021051818 May, 21 2021051717 May, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately -1,250,000 0.14 5,000,000
2021051818 May, 21 2021051717 May, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately -1,250,000 0.14 3,750,000
2021051818 May, 21 2021051717 May, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately -1,250,000 0.14 2,500,000
2021051818 May, 21 2021051717 May, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately -500,000 0.14 2,000,000
2021051313 May, 21 2021051111 May, 21 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 54 - Exercise of warrants 10,000,000 0.14 10,000,000
2021051313 May, 21 2021051111 May, 21 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 54 - Exercise of warrants -10,000,000 0.14 0
2021051313 May, 21 2019071111 Jul, 19 Direct Ownership : Warrants (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 10,000,000
Filing Date Transaction Date VolumeUnit costClosing Balance
Showing 1 to 10 of 17 entries