Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2010080505 Aug, 10 |
2010072929 Jul, 10 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
75,000 |
0.1 |
1,249,100 |
2010042222 Apr, 10 |
1992042727 Apr, 92 |
Indirect Ownership : elkon products inc |
Common Shares |
00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report |
0 |
0 |
1,174,100 |
2010042222 Apr, 10 |
2010040101 Apr, 10 |
Indirect Ownership : elkon products inc |
Common Shares |
16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption |
1,074,100 |
0.05 |
2,248,200 |
2010042121 Apr, 10 |
2010040101 Apr, 10 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption |
1,074,100 |
0.05 |
1,174,100 |
2006032020 Mar, 06 |
1992042727 Apr, 92 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2006032020 Mar, 06 |
2006022727 Feb, 06 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
51 - Exercise of options |
100,000 |
0.25 |
100,000 |
2006032020 Mar, 06 |
1992042727 Apr, 92 |
Direct Ownership : |
Options (Common Shares) |
00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2006032020 Mar, 06 |
1998020404 Feb, 98 |
Direct Ownership : |
Options (Common Shares) |
50 - Grant of options |
40,000 |
0.25 |
40,000 |
2006032020 Mar, 06 |
2004062323 Jun, 04 |
Direct Ownership : |
Options (Common Shares) |
50 - Grant of options |
60,000 |
0.25 |
100,000 |
2006032020 Mar, 06 |
2006022727 Feb, 06 |
Direct Ownership : |
Options (Common Shares) |
51 - Exercise of options |
-100,000 |
0.25 |
0 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | | | | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries