Insider: George Lian

Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance
2020080707 Aug, 20 2020072929 Jul, 20 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 30,000 0.42 30,000
2020080707 Aug, 20 2020080505 Aug, 20 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -12,000 0.69 18,000
2020080707 Aug, 20 2020080505 Aug, 20 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -3,500 0.68 14,500
2020080707 Aug, 20 2020080505 Aug, 20 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -4,500 0.66 10,000
2020080707 Aug, 20 2020080606 Aug, 20 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -3,500 0.61 0
2020080707 Aug, 20 2020080606 Aug, 20 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -5,500 0.62 3,500
2020080707 Aug, 20 2020080606 Aug, 20 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -1,000 0.63 9,000
2020042828 Apr, 20 2020040606 Apr, 20 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 190,000 0.455 1,185,000
2019022828 Feb, 19 2019020101 Feb, 19 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 190,000 0.57 995,000
2018021919 Feb, 18 2018021414 Feb, 18 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 225,000 0.69 805,000
2018012929 Jan, 18 2018012828 Jan, 18 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -100,000 1.7 580,000
2017042424 Apr, 17 2017030303 Mar, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -7,800 1.14 0
2017042424 Apr, 17 2017042020 Apr, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -18,100 1 0
2017042424 Apr, 17 2017042020 Apr, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -2,000 1.02 18,100
2017042424 Apr, 17 2017042020 Apr, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -9,000 1.01 20,100
2017042424 Apr, 17 2017042020 Apr, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -900 0.99 29,100
2017042424 Apr, 17 2017030303 Mar, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -1,600 1.15 7,800
2017040707 Apr, 17 2017040404 Apr, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 30,000 0.42 30,000
2017040707 Apr, 17 2017040404 Apr, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 51 - Exercise of options -30,000 0.42 680,000
2017032929 Mar, 17 2017032727 Mar, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -125,000 2.35 710,000
2017030303 Mar, 17 2017030202 Mar, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -3,900 1.17 9,400
2017030303 Mar, 17 2017030202 Mar, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -1,500 1.18 13,300
2017030303 Mar, 17 2017030202 Mar, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -6,000 1.16 14,800
2017030303 Mar, 17 2017022727 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -9,200 1.4 20,800
2017022727 Feb, 17 2017022020 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 51 - Exercise of options -30,000 0.42 835,000
2017022727 Feb, 17 2017022020 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 30,000 0.42 30,000
2017022020 Feb, 17 2017022020 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 450,000 1.4 865,000
2017021818 Feb, 17 2017021515 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -4,200 1.44 15,800
2017021818 Feb, 17 2017021717 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -1,000 1.39 1,800
2017021818 Feb, 17 2017021717 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -1,300 1.38 2,800
2017021818 Feb, 17 2017021515 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -4,600 1.46 4,100
2017021818 Feb, 17 2017021515 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -2,900 1.45 8,700
2017021818 Feb, 17 2017021515 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -1,400 1.445 14,400
2017021818 Feb, 17 2017021515 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -2,800 1.45 11,600
2017021818 Feb, 17 2017021717 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -1,800 1.4 0
2017020909 Feb, 17 2017020707 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 51 - Exercise of options -20,000 0.42 415,000
2017020909 Feb, 17 2017020707 Feb, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 20,000 0.42 20,000
2017011717 Jan, 17 2017011313 Jan, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -3,900 1.13 12,000
2017011717 Jan, 17 2017011010 Jan, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -4,100 1.13 15,900
2017011717 Jan, 17 2017011616 Jan, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -3,000 1.15 9,000
2017011717 Jan, 17 2017011616 Jan, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -2,900 1.16 6,100
2017011717 Jan, 17 2017011616 Jan, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -600 1.17 5,500
2017011717 Jan, 17 2017011717 Jan, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -5,500 1.21 0
2017010505 Jan, 17 2017010303 Jan, 17 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 20,000 0.42 20,000
2017010505 Jan, 17 2017010303 Jan, 17 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 51 - Exercise of options -20,000 0.42 435,000
2016122323 Dec, 16 2016122121 Dec, 16 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -3,000 0.88 0
2016120808 Dec, 16 2016120707 Dec, 16 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -3,400 1.01 3,000
2016120808 Dec, 16 2016120606 Dec, 16 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -4,900 0.98 10,000
2016120808 Dec, 16 2016120707 Dec, 16 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -3,600 1 6,400
2016120505 Dec, 16 2016120101 Dec, 16 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -1,800 0.96 16,200
2016120505 Dec, 16 2016120101 Dec, 16 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -500 0.98 14,900
2016120505 Dec, 16 2016120101 Dec, 16 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -800 0.97 15,400
2016112828 Nov, 16 2016112828 Nov, 16 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -2,000 0.92 18,000
2016102727 Oct, 16 2016102424 Oct, 16 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 51 - Exercise of options 20,000 0.42 20,000
2016102727 Oct, 16 2016102424 Oct, 16 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 51 - Exercise of options -20,000 0.42 455,000
2016102727 Oct, 16 2010062828 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2016012929 Jan, 16 2015062828 Jun, 15 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -200,000 3.12 425,000
2016012929 Jan, 16 2016011414 Jan, 16 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 52 - Expiration of options -100,000 5.36 475,000
2015092121 Sep, 15 2015091717 Sep, 15 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 150,000 0.42 575,000
2014012222 Jan, 14 2014012121 Jan, 14 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 100,000 0.8 625,000
2013051616 May, 13 2013012828 Jan, 13 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 100,000 1.7 525,000
2012032929 Mar, 12 2012032727 Mar, 12 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 125,000 2.35 425,000
2012031414 Mar, 12 2010062828 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 0
2012031414 Mar, 12 2010062828 Jun, 10 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 200,000 3.12 200,000
2012031414 Mar, 12 2011011414 Jan, 11 Direct Ownership : Options (Common Shares) 50 - Grant of options 100,000 5.36 300,000
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction Volume Unit cost Closing Balance