Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2016040505 Apr, 16 | 2016033131 Mar, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -83,333 | 0.0675 | 0 |
2016040505 Apr, 16 | 2016033131 Mar, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -83,334 | 0.0675 | 83,333 |
2016040505 Apr, 16 | 2016033131 Mar, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -51,800 | 0.105 | 166,667 |
2016040505 Apr, 16 | 2016033131 Mar, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -83,333 | 0.0675 | 218,467 |
2016040505 Apr, 16 | 2016033131 Mar, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -51,800 | 0.105 | 301,800 |
2016040505 Apr, 16 | 2016033131 Mar, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -43,333 | 1.13 | 353,600 |
2016040505 Apr, 16 | 2016033131 Mar, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -103,600 | 0.105 | 396,933 |
2016040505 Apr, 16 | 2016033131 Mar, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -43,334 | 1.13 | 500,533 |
2016040505 Apr, 16 | 2016033131 Mar, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -43,333 | 1.13 | 543,867 |
2016040505 Apr, 16 | 2016033131 Mar, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -150,000 | 0.88 | 587,200 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2006041111 Apr, 06 | 2006040404 Apr, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares Class B) | 52 - Expiration of options | -100,000 | 3.3 | 75,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2005062828 Jun, 05 | 2005021717 Feb, 05 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares Class B) | 52 - Expiration of options | -290,258 | 2.1 | 175,000 |
2005052525 May, 05 | 2002100202 Oct, 02 | Control or Direction : Margaret A. Fagin Family Trust | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -4,260 | 0.19 | 0 |
2005052525 May, 05 | 2001081616 Aug, 01 | Control or Direction : Margaret A. Fagin Family Trust | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 4,260 |
2005052424 May, 05 | 2004122323 Dec, 04 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 36 - Conversion or exchange | 33,280 | 0 | 33,280 |
2005052323 May, 05 | 2002081515 Aug, 02 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Class B | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -15,000 | 0.16 | 27,812 |
2005052323 May, 05 | 2002081919 Aug, 02 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Class B | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -312 | 0.14 | 0 |
2005052323 May, 05 | 2002081919 Aug, 02 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Class B | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -500 | 0.14 | 312 |
2005052323 May, 05 | 2002081919 Aug, 02 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Class B | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -18,000 | 0.14 | 812 |
2005052323 May, 05 | 2002081919 Aug, 02 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Class B | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -9,000 | 0.14 | 18,812 |
2005052323 May, 05 | 2002081515 Aug, 02 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares Class B | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -20,000 | 0.14 | 42,812 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2013011717 Jan, 13 | 2013011414 Jan, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 55 - Expiration of warrants | -75,000 | 0 | 0 |
2012100909 Oct, 12 | 2012100808 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 55 - Expiration of warrants | -30,000 | 0 | 75,000 |
2012100909 Oct, 12 | 2012100404 Oct, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 220,000 | 0 | 795,000 |
2012082727 Aug, 12 | 2012082727 Aug, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -75,000 | 0 | 575,000 |
2011100404 Oct, 11 | 2011092929 Sep, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 50,000 | 0 | 650,000 |
2011091919 Sep, 11 | 2011091919 Sep, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 75,000 | 0 | 600,000 |
2011090606 Sep, 11 | 2011082828 Aug, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -75,000 | 0 | 525,000 |
2010122020 Dec, 10 | 2010121717 Dec, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 50,000 | 0 | 600,000 |
2010101414 Oct, 10 | 2010100808 Oct, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 53 - Grant of warrants | 30,000 | 0 | 105,000 |
2010101414 Oct, 10 | 2010100808 Oct, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption | 60,000 | 0.17 | 223,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2011031010 Mar, 11 | 2011030909 Mar, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 35,000 | 0 | 340,000 |
2010041212 Apr, 10 | 2010040909 Apr, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 51 - Exercise of options | -40,000 | 0 | 305,000 |
2010041212 Apr, 10 | 2010040909 Apr, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 51 - Exercise of options | -25,000 | 0 | 345,000 |
2010041212 Apr, 10 | 2010040909 Apr, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 51 - Exercise of options | 25,000 | 1.23 | 710,505 |
2010041212 Apr, 10 | 2010040909 Apr, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 51 - Exercise of options | 40,000 | 1.16 | 750,505 |
2010041212 Apr, 10 | 2010040909 Apr, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -267,100 | 0 | 483,405 |
2009061111 Jun, 09 | 2009061010 Jun, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 51 - Exercise of options | -5,000 | 0 | 370,000 |
2009061111 Jun, 09 | 2009061010 Jun, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 51 - Exercise of options | 5,000 | 0 | 685,505 |
2009010909 Jan, 09 | 2008123131 Dec, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -20,000 | 0 | 375,000 |
2009010909 Jan, 09 | 2008121616 Dec, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 40,000 | 0 | 395,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
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(This site is formed from a merger of Mining Nerds and Highgrade Review.)