Insider: Charles Channing Buckland

Issuer Name: LX Ventures Inc.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolumeUnit costClosing Balance
2013103030 Oct, 13 2013102929 Oct, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -50,000 0.28 2,875,000
2013103030 Oct, 13 2013102929 Oct, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -33,500 0.27 2,925,000
2013103030 Oct, 13 2013102929 Oct, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -50,000 0.26 2,958,500
2013103030 Oct, 13 2013102929 Oct, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -16,000 0.27 3,008,500
2013103030 Oct, 13 2013102929 Oct, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -500 0.275 3,024,500
2013103030 Oct, 13 2013102929 Oct, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -50,000 0.25 3,025,000
2013103030 Oct, 13 2013102929 Oct, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -50,000 0.24 3,075,000
2013102929 Oct, 13 2013102424 Oct, 13 Indirect Ownership : RRIF Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -65,000 0.1812 200,000
2013102929 Oct, 13 2013102424 Oct, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 50,000 0.2 3,025,000
2013102929 Oct, 13 2013102525 Oct, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 100,000 0.1847 3,125,000
Filing Date Transaction Date VolumeUnit costClosing Balance
Showing 1 to 10 of 95 entries
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolumeUnit costClosing Balance
2012120303 Dec, 12 2012101212 Oct, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 3,662,000
2012120303 Dec, 12 2012101212 Oct, 12 Indirect Ownership : Bukchuk Holdings Ltd. Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 0 0 250,000
Filing Date Transaction Date VolumeUnit costClosing Balance
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries
Issuer Name: NuLegacy Gold Corporation
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolumeUnit costClosing Balance
2012020909 Feb, 12 2011121212 Dec, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -650,000 0 500,000
2012020909 Feb, 12 2011120909 Dec, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -500,000 0 1,150,000
2012020808 Feb, 12 2012020707 Feb, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -10,000 0.255 1,010,000
2012020808 Feb, 12 2012020707 Feb, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -22,500 0.27 1,020,000
2012020808 Feb, 12 2012020707 Feb, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -17,500 0.265 1,042,500
2012020808 Feb, 12 2012020707 Feb, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -10,000 0.285 1,060,000
2012020808 Feb, 12 2012020707 Feb, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -10,000 0.295 1,070,000
2012020808 Feb, 12 2012020707 Feb, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -11,000 0.3 1,080,000
2012020606 Feb, 12 2012020101 Feb, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -70,000 0.2514 1,091,000
2012020101 Feb, 12 2012013131 Jan, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -10,000 0.2 1,171,000
Filing Date Transaction Date VolumeUnit costClosing Balance
Showing 1 to 10 of 48 entries
Issuer Name: Amador Gold Corp.
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolumeUnit costClosing Balance
2013051616 May, 13 2013051616 May, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Warrants (Common Shares) 97 - Other -500,000 0 1,750,000
2013051616 May, 13 2013050707 May, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Warrants (Common Shares) 97 - Other -250,000 0 2,250,000
2013051616 May, 13 2013051616 May, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 97 - Other -1,236,647 0 500,000
2013031515 Mar, 13 2013031414 Mar, 13 Indirect Ownership : RRIF Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -160,294 0.04 900,000
2013011616 Jan, 13 2013011111 Jan, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -50,000 0.04 1,736,647
2013011010 Jan, 13 2013010808 Jan, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -17,000 0.05 1,786,647
2013011010 Jan, 13 2013010808 Jan, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -33,000 0.045 1,803,647
2012022828 Feb, 12 2012022323 Feb, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -145,000 0.055 1,836,647
2012022323 Feb, 12 2012022121 Feb, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -30,000 0.055 1,981,647
2012020101 Feb, 12 2012013131 Jan, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -20,000 0.05 2,011,647
Filing Date Transaction Date VolumeUnit costClosing Balance
Showing 1 to 10 of 48 entries
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolumeUnit costClosing Balance
2011121212 Dec, 11 2011120606 Dec, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -57,500 0.1 500,000
2011121212 Dec, 11 2011120606 Dec, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -42,500 0.115 557,500
2011121212 Dec, 11 2011120606 Dec, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -100,000 0.1 600,000
2011120606 Dec, 11 2011120505 Dec, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -200,000 0.1006 700,000
2011120606 Dec, 11 2011120101 Dec, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -100,000 0.1003 900,000
2011113030 Nov, 11 2011112424 Nov, 11 Indirect Ownership : RRIF Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -33,333 0.1 500,000
2011113030 Nov, 11 2011112424 Nov, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -16,500 0.1 1,000,000
2011113030 Nov, 11 2011112424 Nov, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -125,000 0.1 1,016,500
2011112323 Nov, 11 2011111818 Nov, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -25,000 0.115 1,141,500
2011112323 Nov, 11 2011111717 Nov, 11 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -58,000 0.105 1,166,500
Filing Date Transaction Date VolumeUnit costClosing Balance
Showing 1 to 10 of 32 entries
Issuer Name: Lincoln Mining Corporation
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolumeUnit costClosing Balance
2013010404 Jan, 13 2013010303 Jan, 13 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -15,000 0.06 10,200,409
2013010202 Jan, 13 2012060101 Jun, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Warrants (Common Shares) 55 - Expiration of warrants -2,075,000 0 545,454
2012122828 Dec, 12 2012112222 Nov, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 97 - Other -150,000 0 10,615,409
2012122828 Dec, 12 2012122424 Dec, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 97 - Other -100,000 0 10,515,409
2012122828 Dec, 12 2012122424 Dec, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 204,500 0.05 10,719,909
2012122828 Dec, 12 2012122424 Dec, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -404,500 0.05 10,315,409
2012122828 Dec, 12 2012122424 Dec, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 200,000 0.05 10,515,409
2012122828 Dec, 12 2012122424 Dec, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 97 - Other -300,000 0 10,215,409
2012110707 Nov, 12 2012110202 Nov, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -29,000 0.08 10,436,409
2012110707 Nov, 12 2012110202 Nov, 12 Control or Direction : Discretionary Accounts Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market -21,000 0.085 10,415,409
Filing Date Transaction Date VolumeUnit costClosing Balance
Showing 1 to 10 of 233 entries
Issuer Name: Archon Minerals Limited
Filing Date Transaction Date Ownership TypeSecuritiesNature of transactionVolumeUnit costClosing Balance
2011100303 Oct, 11 2011092929 Sep, 11 Indirect Ownership : Haywood Securities I/T/F C. Channing Buckland Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 100 1.45 520,600
2011092727 Sep, 11 2011092222 Sep, 11 Indirect Ownership : Haywood Securities I/T/F C. Channing Buckland Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 500 1.45 520,500
2011082222 Aug, 11 2011081111 Aug, 11 Indirect Ownership : Haywood Securities I/T/F C. Channing Buckland Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 200 1.5 520,000
2011082222 Aug, 11 2011081111 Aug, 11 Indirect Ownership : Haywood Securities I/T/F C. Channing Buckland Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 1.45 519,800
2011080404 Aug, 11 2011080202 Aug, 11 Indirect Ownership : Haywood Securities I/T/F C. Channing Buckland Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 1.55 517,000
2011080404 Aug, 11 2011080202 Aug, 11 Indirect Ownership : Haywood Securities I/T/F C. Channing Buckland Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 1.55 518,000
2011080404 Aug, 11 2011080202 Aug, 11 Indirect Ownership : Haywood Securities I/T/F C. Channing Buckland Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 800 1.5 518,800
2011070404 Jul, 11 2011062929 Jun, 11 Indirect Ownership : Haywood Securities I/T/F C. Channing Buckland Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 1.65 516,000
2010101818 Oct, 10 2010082727 Aug, 10 Indirect Ownership : Haywood Securities I/T/F C. Channing Buckland Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 2,100 1.498 514,700
2010101818 Oct, 10 2010082323 Aug, 10 Indirect Ownership : Haywood Securities I/T/F C. Channing Buckland Common Shares 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market 1,000 1.5 512,600
Filing Date Transaction Date VolumeUnit costClosing Balance
Showing 1 to 10 of 43 entries