Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2021072626 Jul, 21 |
2021072626 Jul, 21 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
3,700 |
3.7 |
115,000 |
2021072222 Jul, 21 |
2021072222 Jul, 21 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
3,800 |
3.6692 |
111,300 |
2021072121 Jul, 21 |
2021072020 Jul, 21 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
7,500 |
3.58 |
107,500 |
2021040606 Apr, 21 |
2021040505 Apr, 21 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
16,726 |
2.91 |
100,000 |
2021020505 Feb, 21 |
2021012121 Jan, 21 |
Direct Ownership : |
Options (Common Shares) |
50 - Grant of options |
500,000 |
1 |
500,000 |
2020121111 Dec, 20 |
2020120808 Dec, 20 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption |
45,774 |
0.15 |
83,274 |
2020093030 Sep, 20 |
2020092929 Sep, 20 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
51 - Exercise of options |
36,250 |
0 |
37,500 |
2020093030 Sep, 20 |
2020092929 Sep, 20 |
Direct Ownership : |
Options (Common Shares) |
51 - Exercise of options |
-36,250 |
0 |
0 |
2020052020 May, 20 |
2020050505 May, 20 |
Direct Ownership : |
Common Shares |
00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report |
0 |
0 |
1,250 |
2020052020 May, 20 |
2020050505 May, 20 |
Direct Ownership : |
Options (Common Shares) |
00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report |
0 |
0 |
36,250 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | | | | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries