Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2013050707 May, 13 | 2013050606 May, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 50,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2021032424 Mar, 21 | 2021032424 Mar, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 50,000 | 0.1 | 359,363 |
2021032424 Mar, 21 | 2021032424 Mar, 21 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 25,000 | 0.15 | 100,000 |
2018120606 Dec, 18 | 2018120606 Dec, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 160,000 | 0.1 | 960,000 |
2017061313 Jun, 17 | 2017060909 Jun, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 54 - Exercise of warrants | 100,000 | 0.1 | 309,363 |
2017061313 Jun, 17 | 2017060909 Jun, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 54 - Exercise of warrants | -100,000 | 0.1 | 75,000 |
2017060707 Jun, 17 | 2017060707 Jun, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 300,000 | 0.2 | 800,000 |
2016092828 Sep, 16 | 2016092828 Sep, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 275,000 | 0.08 | 500,000 |
2014021717 Feb, 14 | 2014021414 Feb, 14 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 75,000 | 0.06 | 209,363 |
2014021717 Feb, 14 | 2014021414 Feb, 14 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 75,000 | 0.1 | 175,000 |
2013082626 Aug, 13 | 2013071616 Jul, 13 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 225,000 | 0.055 | 225,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2018120606 Dec, 18 | 2018120606 Dec, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 100,000 | 0.11 | 890,000 |
2018111313 Nov, 18 | 2018110909 Nov, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption | 40,000 | 0.15 | 90,000 |
2018111313 Nov, 18 | 2018110909 Nov, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption | 20,000 | 0.11 | 288,000 |
2018111313 Nov, 18 | 2018110909 Nov, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption | 60,000 | 0.13 | 348,000 |
2017121919 Dec, 17 | 2017121515 Dec, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 325,000 | 0.1 | 790,000 |
2017092525 Sep, 17 | 2017092222 Sep, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption | 50,000 | 0.15 | 50,000 |
2017092525 Sep, 17 | 2017092222 Sep, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 16 - Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption | 100,000 | 0.15 | 268,000 |
2016092020 Sep, 16 | 2016092020 Sep, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 235,000 | 0.25 | 465,000 |
2015102222 Oct, 15 | 2015102222 Oct, 15 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -200,000 | 0.15 | 230,000 |
2014052929 May, 14 | 2014052929 May, 14 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 90,000 | 0.28 | 430,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2018090404 Sep, 18 | 2018090404 Sep, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 100,000 | 0.2 | 650,000 |
2012061414 Jun, 12 | 2012061414 Jun, 12 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 120,000 | 0.1 | 550,000 |
2011041212 Apr, 11 | 2011040707 Apr, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 220,000 | 0.16 | 430,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2009040909 Apr, 09 | 2009040202 Apr, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 110,000 | 0.4 | 210,000 |
2007050303 May, 07 | 2007032929 Mar, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2007050303 May, 07 | 2007042525 Apr, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 100,000 | 0.6 | 100,000 |
2007041010 Apr, 07 | 2007032929 Mar, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 40,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2008121111 Dec, 08 | 2008120505 Dec, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 85,698 |
2008121111 Dec, 08 | 2008120505 Dec, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report | 0 | 0 | 6,500 |
2007071919 Jul, 07 | 2007071111 Jul, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 51 - Exercise of options | 52,000 | 0.429 | 95,698 |
2007071919 Jul, 07 | 2007071111 Jul, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -500 | 0.83 | 95,198 |
2007071919 Jul, 07 | 2007071111 Jul, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -4,500 | 0.82 | 90,698 |
2007071919 Jul, 07 | 2007071212 Jul, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -5,000 | 0.83 | 85,698 |
2007071919 Jul, 07 | 2007071111 Jul, 07 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 51 - Exercise of options | -52,000 | 0.429 | 14,833 |
2006121212 Dec, 06 | 2006120707 Dec, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -1,799 | 1.2 | 47,897 |
2006121212 Dec, 06 | 2006120707 Dec, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -199 | 1.15 | 47,698 |
2006121212 Dec, 06 | 2006120707 Dec, 06 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | -4,000 | 1.48 | 43,698 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2020111313 Nov, 20 | 2020111212 Nov, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 60,000 | 0.14 | 350,000 |
2020091111 Sep, 20 | 2020091111 Sep, 20 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -80,000 | 0.25 | 290,000 |
2019061313 Jun, 19 | 2019061313 Jun, 19 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 100,000 | 0.07 | 370,000 |
2019022525 Feb, 19 | 2019022525 Feb, 19 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -90,000 | 0.25 | 270,000 |
2018071313 Jul, 18 | 2018071212 Jul, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 90,000 | 0.17 | 360,000 |
2018060101 Jun, 18 | 2018060101 Jun, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 37 - Stock split or consolidation | -622,492 | 0 | 155,623 |
2018052929 May, 18 | 2018052929 May, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Warrants (Common Shares) | 55 - Expiration of warrants | -18,000 | 0 | 0 |
2018052929 May, 18 | 2018052929 May, 18 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 37 - Stock split or consolidation | -1,080,000 | 0 | 270,000 |
2017071212 Jul, 17 | 2017071212 Jul, 17 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 52 - Expiration of options | -250,000 | 0.1 | 1,350,000 |
2016050303 May, 16 | 2016042828 Apr, 16 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 10 - Acquisition or disposition in the public market | 100,000 | 0.03 | 778,115 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
2011041515 Apr, 11 | 2011041515 Apr, 11 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 125,000 | 0.155 | 875,000 |
2010010707 Jan, 10 | 2010010606 Jan, 10 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 550,000 | 0.3 | 750,000 |
2010010707 Jan, 10 | 2009122929 Dec, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -50,000 | 0.82 | 200,000 |
2010010707 Jan, 10 | 2009122929 Dec, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -45,000 | 0.88 | 250,000 |
2010010707 Jan, 10 | 2009122929 Dec, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -312,000 | 1.03 | 295,000 |
2010010707 Jan, 10 | 2009122929 Dec, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -100,000 | 0.77 | 607,000 |
2010010707 Jan, 10 | 2009122929 Dec, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -39,000 | 0.85 | 707,000 |
2009081212 Aug, 09 | 2009080404 Aug, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Common Shares | 11 - Acquisition or disposition carried out privately | 35,000 | 0.16 | 129,176 |
2009061111 Jun, 09 | 2009060808 Jun, 09 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 200,000 | 0.175 | 746,000 |
2008090808 Sep, 08 | 2008090303 Sep, 08 | Direct Ownership : | Options (Common Shares) | 50 - Grant of options | 50,000 | 0.82 | 546,000 |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Volume | Unit cost | Closing Balance |
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(This site is formed from a merger of Mining Nerds and Highgrade Review.)