Fireweed Metals (TSXV:FWZ) Reports Wide Mineralized Intercepts Including 143.95 m at 14.45% Zinc, 1.15% Lead, and 60.0 g/t Silver at Boundary Zone, Yukon

Map 1: Macpass Project and Mactung Project locations. Source: Fireweed Metals

Junior exploration company Fireweed Metals (TSXV:FWZ) has announced new drill results from its 2023 exploration program at the Macmillan Pass Project in Yukon, Canada. The results include the best drill intersection to date from the Boundary Zone target, as well as other high-grade assay results.

Brandon Macdonald, CEO of Fireweed Metals, commented in a press release: “I am excited to start the year able to say that we have intersected our best-ever Boundary Zone drill intersection. We stepped out 140 m along strike from NB22-002 and NB23-007 and hit a spectacular intersection in NB23-028, further supporting our interpretation that there is a continuous high-grade feeder zone within the stratiform unit at Boundary Zone. We now have multiple wide and high-grade intersections that highlight the potential for another large zinc system within this exceptional critical minerals project.”

The mineralization encountered in the latest drill holes at Boundary Zone consists primarily of stratiform (layer-parallel) and massive sulphide zones containing zinc, lead and silver. The sulphide bodies occur over a 550-metre strike length and have been traced from near-surface to depths of at least 450 metres.

Drill hole NB23-028 intersected a broad zone of high-grade massive sulphides interpreted to be associated with a feeder system that supplied metals to the Boundary mineralized system. Additional stratiform massive sulphide zones were hit in holes NB23-022 and NB23-029.

According to Fireweed, step-out drilling has successfully extended the known stratiform sulphide zone down-dip. The tabular stratiform mineralized body ranges from 10 to 50 metres in true thickness. Extensive vein and breccia mineralization has also been encountered adjacent to the main sulphide zone.

In 2023, Fireweed completed a 22,500-metre drill program focused on the Boundary, Tom and Jason zones, as well as several metallurgical drill holes. The large program utilized directional drilling technology to maximize efficiencies.

Assays are still pending for numerous drill intersections from the Boundary Zone where visual inspections identified significant zinc and lead sulphide mineralization. Fireweed reports that step-out drilling has resulted in the visual identification of many wide intervals of sphalerite and galena.

Map 2: Location of 2023 Boundary Zone drillholes, cross sections and long section M–M’. See below for sections. Source: Fireweed Metals

The drill results continue to support the interpretation that the mineralization at Boundary Zone consists of a laterally extensive stratiform sulphide layer. According to Fireweed, this tabular mineralized zone now measures 550 metres along strike and has been traced 450 metres down dip. It remains open in multiple directions.

Map 3: Mineralized intervals in 2023 drilling and pre-2023 drilling defining a stratiform laminated to massive sulphide zone that is connected at depth (purple polygon) and a broader envelope of vein, breccia, and other stratiform zinc mineralization, showing significant areal extent (within green dashed line). Source: Fireweed Metals

Highlights from the results are as follows:

  • Best intersection drilled to date at Boundary Zone: hole NB23-028 intersected 143.95 m (50 m true width) grading 14.45% zinc, 1.15% lead, and 60.0 g/t silver, including 28.71 m (10 m true width) grading 25.52% zinc, 1.27% lead, and 91.3 g/t silver.
  • Successful step-out holes continue to increase the extents of known zinc mineralization and demonstrate the high-grade tenor of the Boundary Zone mineralization.
  • Hole NB23-022 intersected 66.11 m (18 m true width) grading 7.13% zinc, 0.97% lead, and 54.8 g/t silver.
  • Assays are pending for 19 remaining drillholes including six more from Boundary Zone, and 11 holes from the Tom deposit, and two holes from the Jason deposit.

Table 1: Assay highlights for holes included within this release for the 2023 drilling program, Boundary Zone

Drillhole Interval From (m) To (m) Interval Width (m) Est. True Width
Zinc (%) Lead (%) Silver
Bulk Density (t/m3)
NB23-022 Primary 282.65 348.76 66.11 18 7.13 0.97 54.8 4.47
NB23-028 Primary 91.9 111.3 19.4 N/A 3.65 0.04 5.1 3.09
NB23-028 Including 94.72 98.1 3.38 N/A 8.55 0.07 8.1 3.39
NB23-028 Primary 196.1 203.8 7.7 N/A 9.95 0.04 12.7 2.86
NB23-028 Including 197.6 202.3 4.7 N/A 14.23 0.06 17.9 2.91
NB23-028 Primary 305.6 449.55 143.95 50 14.45 1.15 60.0 3.75
NB23-028 Including 310.35 314.5 4.15 1.4 14.55 4.69 163.0 3.89
NB23-028 Including 321.79 350.5 28.71 10 25.52 1.27 91.3 3.90
NB23-028 >Including 327.6 337.74 10.14 3.5 32.72 1.34 109.8 4.06
NB23-028 Including 420.31 439.61 19.3 6.7 19.06 1.12 62.7 4.00
NB23-029 Primary* 24.14 51.95 27.81 N/A 4.28 0.06 11.9 3.08
NB23-029 Including* 24.14 31.57 7.43 N/A 9.21 0.05 13.8 3.07
NB23-029 Primary* 79.27 108.45 29.18 N/A 2.93 0.02 4.6 2.77
NB23-029 Primary 238.82 255.44 16.62 N/A 8.74 0.03 11.1 3.09
NB23-029 Including 239.82 245.44 5.62 N/A 18.39 0.06 23.6 3.49
NB23-029 Primary 400.87 412.5 11.63 Unknown 7.49 1.66 34.7 3.14
NB23-029 Including 402.82 408.38 5.56 Unknown 13.21 0.96 34.1 3.42
NB23-029 Primary 514 519.76 5.76 Unknown 6.32 1.50 34.6 3.06
NB23-029 Primary 580.43 618.83 38.4 Unknown 3.06 0.08 8.2 3.47
NB23-029 Including 580.43 582.86 2.43 Unknown 11.91 0.36 26.6 4.39
NB23-029 Including 601.94 604.88 2.94 Unknown 13.21 0.09 21.5 4.30
NB23-029D1 Primary 416.75 437.5 20.75 Unknown 5.20 2.05 52.6 3.80
NB23-029D1 Including 423.5 430 6.5 Unknown 8.43 3.27 82.3 4.17
NB23-031 Primary 142.4 148.9 6.5 N/A 7.33 0.05 14.5 2.92
NB23-031 Primary 235.57 240.16 4.59 N/A 7.33 0.02 7.7 3.23
NB23-031 Primary 373.33 377.6 4.27 N/A 7.95 0.01 3.3 2.81
NB23-032 Primary 412.55 430.92 18.37 8 4.25 0.14 12.7 3.27
NB23-032 Including* 412.55 417 4.45 2 7.55 0.19 17.3 2.96

*denotes intervals with recovery of less than 85%. N/A: Not Applicable due to the variable shapes of breccia and vein mineralization.

 See “Data Verification” for a description of true width calculations

  • Hole NB23-028 intersected a 143.95 m interval of stratiform massive sulphide grading 14.45% zinc, 1.15% lead, and 60.0 g/t silver with an estimated true width of approximately 50 m, including 28.71 m (estimated true width 10 m) of 25.52% zinc, 1.27% lead, and 91.3 g/t silver, further including 10.14 m (estimated true width 3.5 m) of 32.72% zinc, 1.34% lead, and 109.8 g/t silver. Two intervals of vein and breccia style mineralization were also intersected, 19.40 m grading 3.65% zinc and 5.1 g/t silver, and 7.70 m grading 9.95% zinc and 12.7 g/t silver.
  • Hole NB23-022 intersected 66.11 m of stratiform massive sulphide with an estimated true width of 18 m grading 7.13% zinc, 0.97% lead, and 54.8 g/t silver, including 50.08 m (14 m true width) of 7.99% zinc, 1.12% lead, and 61.7 g/t silver.
  • Hole NB23-29D1 is a directionally-cut secondary splay hole from NB23-029 and intersected 20.75 m of stratiform massive sulphide grading 5.20% zinc, 2.05% lead, and 52.6 g/t silver, including 6.50 m of 8.43% zinc, 3.27% lead, and 82.3 g/t silver. This intercept of stratiform mineralization correlates to a separate, distinct body from the primary tabular massive sulphide.
  • NB23-029 intersected a 5.76 m interval of stratiform massive sulphide grading 6.32% zinc, 1.50% lead, and 34.6 g/t silver, as well as an 11.63 m interval of stratiform massive sulphide grading 7.49% zinc, 1.66% lead, and 34.7 g/t silver. Four intervals of vein and breccia style mineralization were also intersected: 27.81 m grading 4.28% zinc and 11.9 g/t silver; 29.18 m grading 2.93% zinc and 4.6 g/t silver; 16.62 m grading 8.74% zinc and 11.1 g/t silver; and 38.40 m grading 3.06% zinc and 8.2 g/t silver.
  • Hole NB23-032 intersected 18.37 m of stratiform massive sulphide with an estimated true width of 8 m grading 4.25% zinc, 0.14% lead, and 12.7 g/t silver, including 4.45 m of 7.55% zinc, 0.19% lead, and 17.3 g/t silver with an estimated true width of 2 m.
  • Hole NB23-031 intersected three zones of breccia and vein style mineralization: 6.50 m grading 7.33% zinc and 14.5 g/t silver; 4.59 m grading 7.33% zinc and 7.7 g/t silver; and 4.27 m grading 7.95% zinc and 3.3 g/t silver.
  • Hole NB23-022D1 is a directional cut off NB23-022 and intersected a 2.50 m interval of sulphide mineralization grading 5.13% zinc, 0.43% lead, and 33.8 g/t silver.
  • NB23-034 intersected 49 m of stratiform massive sulphide.
  • NB23-035 intersected 15 m of stratiform massive sulphide.
  • NB23-036 intersected 45 m of stratiform massive sulphide.
  • NB23-037 intersected 110 m of feeder-proximal laminated to massive sulphide.
  • NB23-038 intersected 13 m of stratiform massive sulphide.

Table 2: NB23-017, NB23-018, NB23-019, NB23-020, NB23-021, NB23-024, NB23-025, NB23-026, NB23-027, NB23-030 drill results

Drillhole Interval From (m) To (m) Interval Width (m) Est. True Width (m)  Zinc (%) Lead (%) Silver (g/t) Bulk Density (t/m3)
NB23-022 Entire Hole 0.00 386.00 386.00 N/A 1.84 0.26 15.5 3.04
NB23-022 Primary 282.65 348.76 66.11  18 7.13 0.97 54.8 4.47
NB23-022 Including 282.65 332.73 50.08  14 7.99 1.12 61.7 4.78
NB23-022D1 Entire Hole 0.00 448.00 448.00 N/A 0.07 0.02 1.5 2.76
NB23-022D1 Primary 378.50 381.00 2.50 N/A 5.13 0.43 33.8 3.12
NB23-028 Entire Hole 0.00 477.00 477.00 N/A 5.65 0.43 23.3 3.15
NB23-028 Primary 91.90 111.30 19.40 N/A 3.65 0.04 5.1 3.09
NB23-028 Including 94.72 98.10 3.38 N/A 8.55 0.07 8.1 3.39
NB23-028 Primary 196.10 203.80 7.70 N/A 9.95 0.04 12.7 2.86
NB23-028 Including 197.60 202.30 4.70 N/A 14.23 0.06 17.9 2.91
NB23-028 Primary 305.60 449.55 143.95 50 14.45 1.15 60.0 3.75
NB23-028 Including 306.44 443.23 136.79 48 14.90 1.18 61.7 3.77
NB23-028 >Including 310.35 314.50 4.15 1.4 14.55 4.69 163.0 3.89
NB23-028 >Including 321.79 350.50 28.71 10 25.52 1.27 91.3 3.90
NB23-028 >>Including 327.60 337.74 10.14 3.5 32.72 1.34 109.8 4.06
NB23-028 >Including 420.31 439.61 19.30 6.7 19.06 1.12 62.7 4.00
NB23-029 Entire Hole 0.00 629.50 629.50 N/A 1.17 0.08 4.4 2.93
NB23-029 Primary* 24.14 51.95 27.81 N/A 4.28 0.06 11.9 3.08
NB23-029 Including* 24.14 31.57 7.43 N/A 9.21 0.05 13.8 3.07
NB23-029 Primary* 79.27 108.45 29.18 N/A 2.93 0.02 4.6 2.77
NB23-029 Primary 238.82 255.44 16.62 N/A 8.74 0.03 11.1 3.09
NB23-029 Including 239.82 246.22 6.40 N/A 17.05 0.06 21.6 3.40
NB23-029 Including 239.82 245.44 5.62 N/A 18.39 0.06 23.6 3.49
NB23-029 Primary 400.87 412.50 11.63 unknown 7.49 1.66 34.7 3.14
NB23-029 Including 400.87 412.00 11.13 unknown 7.79 1.66 35.3 3.15
NB23-029 Including 402.82 408.38 5.56 unknown 13.21 0.96 34.1 3.42
NB23-029 Primary 514.00 519.76 5.76 unknown 6.32 1.50 34.6 3.06
NB23-029 Including 515.50 519.76 4.26 unknown 7.73 1.91 39.7 3.16
NB23-029 Primary 580.43 618.83 38.40 unknown 3.06 0.08 8.2 3.47
NB23-029 Including 580.43 582.86 2.43 unknown 11.91 0.36 26.6 4.39
NB23-029 Including 601.94 604.88 2.94 unknown 13.21 0.09 21.5 4.30
NB23-029D1 Entire Hole 0.00 689.50 689.50 N/A 0.31 0.11 3.4 2.84
NB23-029D1 Primary 416.75 437.50 20.75 unknown 5.20 2.05 52.6 3.80
NB23-029D1 Including 423.50 430.00 6.50 unknown 8.43 3.27 82.3 4.17
NB23-031 Entire Hole 0.00 574.00 574.00 N/A 0.46 0.01 1.9 2.83
NB23-031 Primary 142.40 148.90 6.50 N/A 7.33 0.05 14.5 2.92
NB23-031 Including 142.40 147.40 5.00 N/A 8.76 0.06 16.5 2.96
NB23-031 Primary 235.57 240.16 4.59 N/A 7.33 0.02 7.7 3.23
NB23-031 Primary 373.33 377.60 4.27 N/A 7.95 0.01 3.3 2.81
NB23-032 Entire Hole 0.00 493.34 493.34 N/A 0.36 0.04 3.0 2.94
NB23-032 Primary 412.55 430.92 18.37 8 4.25 0.14 12.7 3.27
NB23-032 Including* 412.55 417.00 4.45 2 7.55 0.19 17.3 2.96

* Denotes intervals with recovery of less than 85%; N/A: Not Applicable due to the variable shapes of breccia and vein mineralization.

† Entire hole intervals contain large continuous sections of very low grade or not mineralized material (below 2% zinc)—intersections of continuous higher-grade material (>2% zinc) are listed as Primary and Included intervals and represent mineralized material.

‡ See “Data Verification” for a description of true width calculations

Table 3: 2023 Drilling Summary

Drillhole Length (m) Zone Significant Intersection Type
NB23-001 460 Boundary Results disclosed Jul 26 Step Out
NB23-002 351 Boundary Results disclosed Jul 26 Step Out
NB23-003 418 Boundary Results disclosed Jul 26 Step Out
NB23-004 432 Boundary Results disclosed Aug 22 Step Out
NB23-005 234 Boundary Results disclosed Aug 22 Step Out
NB23-006 373 Boundary Results disclosed Aug 22 Step Out
NB23-007 461 Boundary Results disclosed Aug 22 Step Out
NB23-008 385 Boundary Results disclosed Aug 22 Step Out
NB23-009 67 Boundary Hole abandoned and redrilled as NB23-011 Step Out
NB23-010 96 Boundary Results disclosed Oct 24 Step Out
NB23-011 289 Boundary Results disclosed Oct 24 Step Out
NB23-012 452 Boundary Results disclosed Oct 24 Step Out
NB23-013 551 Boundary Results disclosed Oct 24 Step Out
NB23-014 223 Boundary Results disclosed Oct 24 Step Out
NB23-015 339 Boundary Results disclosed Oct 24 Step Out
NB23-016 460 Boundary Results disclosed Oct 24 Step Out
NB23-017 96 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Step Out
NB23-018 195 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Step Out
NB23-019 560 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Step Out
NB23-020 414 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Infill
NB23-021 442 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Infill
NB23-022 386 Boundary Results disclosed this release Step Out
NB23-022D1 448 Boundary Results disclosed this release Step Out
NB23-023 181 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Step Out
NB23-024 402 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Infill
NB23-025 580 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Step Out
NB23-026 111 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Step Out
NB23-027 396 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Infill
NB23-028 477 Boundary Results disclosed this release Step Out
NB23-029 640 Boundary Results disclosed this release Step Out
NB23-029D1 689 Boundary Results disclosed this release Step Out
NB23-030 526 Boundary Results disclosed Nov 30 Step Out
NB23-031 574 Boundary Results disclosed this release Step Out
NB23-032 495 Boundary Results disclosed this release Step Out
NB23-033 681 Boundary Narrow Zone Encountered Step Out
NB23-034 580 Boundary Wide Zone Encountered Step Out
NB23-035 552 Boundary Moderate Zone Encountered Step Out
NB23-036 397 Boundary Wide Zone Encountered Step Out
NB23-037 544 Boundary Wide Zone Encountered Step Out
NB23-038 427 Boundary Moderate Zone Encountered Step Out
TS23-001 143 Tom North Minor Mineralization Encountered Step Out
TS23-002 182 Tom North Minor Mineralization Encountered Step Out
TS23-003 299 Tom West Wide Zone Encountered Step Out
TS23-004 369 Tom West Moderate Zone Encountered Step Out
TS23-005 407 Tom West Moderate Zone Encountered Step Out
TS23-006 137 Tom West Moderate Zone Encountered Step Out
TS23-007 215 Tom West Moderate Zone Encountered Step Out
TS23-008 428 Tom West Moderate Zone Encountered Step Out
TS23-009 749 Tom South Wide Zone Encountered Step Out
TS23-009D1 747 Tom South Wide Zone Encountered Redrill
TS23-009D2 821 Tom South Wide Zone Encountered Step Out
JS23-001 631 Jason South Narrow Zone Encountered Step Out
JS23-001D1 665 Jason South Wide Zone Encountered Step Out
BX23-001 219 Boundary South No significant mineralization Exploration
BX23-002 144 Boundary South No significant mineralization Exploration
KB23-001 368 Kobuk No significant mineralization Exploration
KB23-002 284 Kobuk No significant mineralization Exploration

Table 4: Drill Hole Collar Information

Drillhole Zone Length (m) Easting Northing Elevation (m.s.l) Azimuth (°) Dip (°)
NB23-001 Boundary 460 422297 7010471 1185.86 211.99 -76.42
NB23-002 Boundary 351 422235 7010525 1194.57 214.06 -70.22
NB23-003 Boundary 418 422235 7010525 1194.57 213.40 -78.00
NB23-004 Boundary 432 422171 7010556 1203.00 213.91 -78.08
NB23-005 Boundary 234 422058 7010589 1207.95 199.63 -49.74
NB23-006 Boundary 373 422171 7010556 1203.00 215.44 -70.02
NB23-007 Boundary 461 422058 7010589 1207.95 206.37 -86.43
NB23-008 Boundary 385 422171 7010556 1203.00 215.83 -60.07
NB23-009 Boundary 67 422058 7010589 1208.67 198.54 -75.41
NB23-010 Boundary 96 422241 7010385 1150.41 212.28 -45.00
NB23-011 Boundary 289 422058 7010589 1208.67 201.59 -75.40
NB23-012 Boundary 452 422289 7010534 1200.90 211.75 -69.90
NB23-013 Boundary 551 422072 7010666 1233.59 214.94 -77.68
NB23-014 Boundary 223 422241 7010384 1150.86 213.68 -70.83
NB23-015 Boundary 339 422241 7010385 1150.41 213.36 -84.00
NB23-016 Boundary 461 422274 7010600 1216. 70 209.88 -72.96
NB23-017 Boundary 96 422279 7010359 1142.67 191.27 -46.90
NB23-018 Boundary 195 422279 7010359 1142.67 190.21 -65.21
NB23-019 Boundary 561 422289 7010534 1200.90 209.95 -81.31
NB23-020 Boundary 414 422465 7010510 1191.44 204.85 -63.35
NB23-021 Boundary 442 422391 7010500 1190.07 201.97 -77.01
NB23-022 Boundary 386 421948 7010672 1232.44 178.85 -74.18
NB23-022D1 Boundary 448 421948 7010672 1232.44 177.78 -74.00
NB23-023 Boundary 181 422449 7010351 1145.42 211.82 -49.18
NB23-024 Boundary 405 422348 7010550 1203.82 199.65 -50.18
NB23-025 Boundary 582 422343 7010620 1219.03 196.94 -74.05
NB23-026 Boundary 111 422449 7010351 1145.42 210.02 -65.44
NB23-027 Boundary 451 422348 7010550 1203.82 197.18 -72.46
NB23-028 Boundary 467 422222 7010587 1209.75 211.38 -65.44
NB23-029 Boundary 630 422124 7010731 1250.31 196.21 -75.67
NB23-029D1 Boundary 690 422124 7010731 1250.31 196.21 -75.67
NB23-030 Boundary 526 422535 7010614 1214.65 211.44 -62.01
NB23-031 Boundary 574 422329 7010671 1235.88 207.69 -69.87
NB23-032 Boundary 493 422165 7010640 1224.09 210.08 -62.01
NB23-033 Boundary 681 422228 7010663 1233.01 211.31 -73.88
NB23-034 Boundary 580 422138 7010674 1237.24 199.07 -72.40
NB23-035 Boundary 552 422228 7010663 1232.97 199.00 -72.02
NB23-036 Boundary 398 422289 7010534 1200.89 212.26 -59.46
NB23-037 Boundary 544 422228 7010663 1232.94 204.73 -66.10
NB23-038 Boundary 427 422001 7010675 1233.60 179.75 -68.10
TS23-001 Tom North 143 441761 7004226 1492.16 075.08 -49.66
TS23-002 Tom North 182 441761 7004226 1492.16 074.97 -80.38
TS23-003 Tom West 299 441676 7004024 1445.00 074.17 -68.51
TS23-004 Tom West 369 441694 7003884 1463.34 067.38 -71.48
TS23-005 Tom West 407 441761 7003770 1510.00 063.25 -75.35
TS23-006 Tom West 137 441779 7004076 1485.36 065.15 -50.08
TS23-007 Tom West 215 441779 7004076 1485.36 065.23 -78.04
TS23-008 Tom West 428 441816 7003717 1538.00 089.53 -88.95
TS23-009 Tom South 749 442363 7003106 1747.29 351.97 -82.00
TS23-009D1 Tom South 748 442363 7003106 1747.29 351.97 -82.00
TS23-009D2 Tom South 821 442363 7003106 1747.29 351.97 -82.00
JS23-001 Jason South 631 436722 7002304 1185.00 228.15 -83.90
JS23-001D1 Jason South 665 436722 7002304 1185.00 228.15 -83.90
BX23-001 Boundary Expl. 219 421752 7010127 1114.70 035.16 -50.19
BX23-002 Boundary Expl. 144 421637 7010243 1137.50 014.78 -49.83
KB23-001 Kobuk 368 418651 7012138 1311.00 006.19 -51.12
KB23-002 Kobuk 284 418754 7011620 1225.00 006.00 -65.24

Coordinates listed in NAD83 UTM Zone 9N.




The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a licensed professional for investment advice. The author is not an insider or shareholder of any of the companies mentioned above.

By Matthew Evanoff

I specialize in the mining industry, focusing on top global mining stocks. My reporting covers the latest industry news, company/project developments, and profiles of key players. Beyond my professional pursuits, I have a keen interest in global business and a love for travel.

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